Rings, as soon as they began to be commonly worn, distinguished
the second order from the plebeians, in the same
manner as the use of the tunic[1] distinguished the senate from
those who only were the ring. Still, however, this last distinction
was introduced at a later period only, and we find it
stated by writers that the public heralds[2] even were formerly
in the habit of wearing the tunic with the purple laticlave;
the father of Lucius Ælius Stilo,[3] for instance, from whom
his son received the cognomen of "Præconinus," in consequence
of his father's occupation as a herald. But the use of
rings, no doubt, was the distinguishing mark of a third and
intermediate order, between the plebeians and the senators;
and the title of "eques," originally derived from the possession
of a war-horse,[4] is given at the present day as an indication
of a certain amount of income. This, however, is of
comparatively recent introduction; for when the late Emperor
Augustus made his regulations for the decuries,[5] the greater
part of the members thereof were persons who wore iron rings,
and these bore the name, not of "equites," but of "judices,"
Of these judices, too, there were at first but four[7] decuries only, and in each of these decuries there was hardly one thousand men to be found, the provinces not having been hitherto admitted to the office; an observance which is still in force at the present day, no one newly admitted to the rights of citizenship being allowed to perform the duties of judex as a member of the decuries.
(2.) These decuries, too, were themselves distinguished by several denominations—" tribunes[8] of the treasury," "selecti,"[9] and "judices:" in addition to whom, there were the persons styled the "nine hundred,"[10] chosen from all the decuries for the purpose of keeping the voting-boxes at the comitia. From the ambitious adoption, however, of some one of these names, great divisions ensued in this order, one person styling himself a member of the nine hundred, another one of the selecti, and a third a tribune of the treasury.
7. three decuries.